Diamond cutting blade with thermal sensors
Diamond blade for general use unique of its kind, thanks to the presence of a series of black metal sensors that turn red if the disk overheats.

This is very important because when dry cutting the disc temperature can increase significantly without the operator noticing.
As a result, there may be damage to the diamond blade or a strong reduction in the life of the tool itself.
This happens frequently because the hardness of each material and the pressure that each user applies are never the same.

This diamond cutting disc is universal and can cut granite, stone, reinforced concrete and building materials in general.

The CD 101 Thermal Control diamond saw blade is available from 230mm up to 400mm diameter.
In stock
In stock
Reserved for registered dealers
Models in catalog:
Product Name Ø Price Qty
CD101230 230
Reserved for registered dealers
CD101300 300
Reserved for registered dealers
CD101350 350
Reserved for registered dealers
CD101400 400
Reserved for registered dealers
More Information
Suitable for Blocks of concrete, Klinker, Concrete, Brick, Sandstone, Washed concrete, Poroton, Granite, Soft stones, Tiles