Impregnated core bit
Impregnated core bit for continuous coring - wet use
Impregnate diamond core bit for wet continuous coring.
Model D1: Available in Ø 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 64 - 82 - 102 - 112 - 122 - 137 - 152.
Model D1: Available in Ø 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 64 - 82 - 102 - 112 - 122 - 137 - 152.
Recommended for drilling: not too hard but very abrasive materials, serene stone, sandstone.
Model D8: Available in Ø 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 - 64 - 82 - 102 - 112 - 122 - 137 - 152.
Recommended for drilling: general building materials, hard stones, porphyry, granite, concrete, reinforced concrete.

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